Lets try this again

Cheers all,

Its been about 2 years since I last messed around with my site. There is a laundry list of  reasons why family, a new job, I’m lazy you know the usual .  The one thing I discovered during the last 2 years is that I enjoy working on this site and never really gave it the attention it deserved.  Well now I think I can. I have a new job that I have been at for a little over a year and my schedule is opening up to where I can dedicate more time to the site. I’m gonna do things a little different this time. I am not a Tech Journalist and I will not pretend to be. I will post many articles about tech and my adventures in IT , but I will also be sprinkling in a heavy dose of just cool geek stuff and a little bit of fun family stories to boot. So here we are on the raggity edge and I will jump off and prowl the depths to see what I can find to bring back thats worth talking about.

About digishark

A techie geek with a huge appetite for life , family and friends....."hello IT ...have you tried turning it off and on again"

Posted on June 26, 2011, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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