According to the Hollywood Reporter Fox renews Fringe

One of My favorite shows that had been reported as a “bubble show” is getting a second season. According to the Hollywood Reporter Fox has decided to give fans a second season of J.J. Abrams’ “Fringe”. 

 “‘Fringe’ proved to be a notable addition to our schedule all season, and it really has fans buzzing as it builds to a fantastic season finale,” said Kevin Reilly, president of entertainment at Fox. “J.J. and the whole Bad Robot team have been phenomenal partners, and we look forward to years of making great television with them.”

“‘Fringe’ continues to gain momentum, creatively and with viewers. We couldn’t be more thrilled that ‘Fringe’ will continue to freak people out for at least another season!” added creator and producer Abrams.

With the renewal, fans can expect to see actor Leonard Nimoy at least two more times as the founder of Massive Dynamic, William Bell.

 All I can say is WOOT! That’s one show down now fox needs to announce the renewal of Terminator: the Sarah Conner Chronicles and Dollhouse and I will be happy with fox for another season.

About digishark

A techie geek with a huge appetite for life , family and friends....."hello IT ...have you tried turning it off and on again"

Posted on May 5, 2009, in Geek Stuff. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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