Would you pay $5000.00 for 2.8mb of data?

How much is data use worth to you? Your cell phone provider may put a higher price tag on data then you do. A Wyoming girl managed to get a 5,000-dollar mobile phone bull in just a month. Dena Christoffersen sent and received over 20,000 text messages in a month. Her father was wrong thinking he managed to block sending and receiving messages on her phone. However, after learning of the 4,750-dollar mobile phone bill, he solved the problem by smashing the phone into a thousand little pieces. Now the customer should have known what features were and were not on the account but the price that cell phone company’s charge for this feature is outrageous. Just think each text message can only be 140 bytes of data max. If you do the math it will make your head hurt. It did mine. Always remember Caveat emptor (buyer beware) it pays to know what you are paying for.  On a good note the cell phone in question did say they would work with the customer to reduce the bill to a more reasonable amount.


About digishark

A techie geek with a huge appetite for life , family and friends....."hello IT ...have you tried turning it off and on again"

Posted on April 15, 2009, in Tech. Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

  1. desperatewriter

    HEH. Problem solved.

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